Maddy, who was no shrinking bush, and standing ten centimeters (actually, six inches) bigger than her husband, no slip-up of a girl either, defended herself with the words, ‘Well, I didn’t want to trip up the passing traffic. I’d slept on a spoon all night, you see.’
John, her husband, who wasn’t six people (or six-packed) and let his shoulders hang like a boxer when he wanted to square them, then stood back when he wanted to stand up.
Maddy smiled and sat on her face, having shut her mouth with her hand. This was when Maddy realised that she should not have taken such a big sip of wood. She had eaten a cupped icecake [sic] earlier and now felt like throwing up. So she threw herself in a bush …
Okay, let's stop here with the story I started in my last post. I think you get my point about machine translation. Now let's hear from you! Did you have similar experiences? What is your take on these (new) AI developments?