Around 10 years ago, people realized how difficult it had become to secure a full-time job. Many started to do temporary jobs just to get by. Soon they realized that in order to have consistent income, they needed to work for more than a single company.
And the idea of flexible work began and quickly took hold. Now working as a freelancer is something to be desired. You get to earn more than you would in a full-time job and you are flexible which means more time to do what you love.
But freelancers are not the only ones benefiting from this gig economy. Companies are beginning to realize as well that flexible workers are the answer to most of the company woes and have their eyes set on an ever growing and diverse talent base.
The role of freelancers in company culture
The majority of companies employ a number of workers when business is good only to lay them off when a major client moves off to another company.
It is a regular cycle that has a big impact on the morale of the company and its remaining workers. They tend to feel unstable which in turn makes the remaining employees feel insecure in their jobs.
Freelance workers eliminate this feeling. The whole nature of freelance working agrees with the set up so when the contract ends, the freelancer will walk away happy knowing that they played their part. The rest of the employees should be informed of the set up and this allows them to feel more secure at their jobs.
Now its important not to treat the freelancer as a temporary worker even if they are. Include them in team building, parties and other company functions. In this way, the permanent workers will view them as part of the company even if its for the time being.
Focus on the task
Another way of getting rid of the unconventional mindset that other more permanent workers may have on freelance workers is to focus more on the task being accomplished in the company and of the time spent in the company.
This way everybody in the organization is more likely to view freelance workers as a valuable addition to the company all working towards the same goals of the company.
Understand why freelancers choose to freelance
In order to create a mutually beneficial relationship with a short-term worker it’s important for the company to understand why they choose to do freelancing rather than full time employment in the first place.
A worker may value flexible working hours because it allows them to attend class. Another would do this to have enough time to still take care of her kids at home.
Freelancing has also allowed people to gain a sense of freedom to engage in other contracts and treat their freelancing as a business. It provides them with more flexibility.
By knowing this, the company is able to use freelancers to maintain its culture and create a more stable working environment for everyone.