When marketing your business through email, you will be sending plenty of these to your customers. However, your prospective customer may just decide to mark it as spam or completely disregard it.
If your emails are not being read, then your conversions will be low as less people will actually get to see the buy button contained therein. Do you think that you spend too many emails but still your conversions are lagging behind? There are 4 things that you can do to turn things around and increase the number of people that actually read your emails.
This include solving a problem, providing them with interesting content, showing them how to save money or making them much smarter buyers.
1. Helping your customers solve a problem
Imagine that you had a problem and a certain website convinced you that the content they would send would help you solve such problems. How willing would you be at subscribing to their newsletter? You would be very much willing, wouldn’t you?
Part of creating great content to send to your readers is understanding their problems and helping them solve those problem. Once your readers see that you are actually doing this, they are much more likely to open the emails that you send to them.
This strategy has been showed to have a huge effect on conversions with an opening rate of between 50 to 70 percent. The average opening rate for emails is 25.6%.
2. Saving customers money
If there is one thing we all love is to purchase that item we’ve been wanting for so long time at a discount. Whether it’s that restaurant meal or that microwave, any chance to purchase a product at less than the stated price always seems to grab people’s attention.
Because of realizing this fact smart businesses will include promotions in their subject lines and include words like, promotion, save, sale, or even free shipping. This makes it that much easier for the customer to understand what is ono offer.
As you probably already know, the subject line is what the customer reads first before opening the email.
3. Make them learn something, make them smarter
Many people embrace having more knowledge on a particular subject area. If you are in business, then you obviously want to know how to increase your conversions.
If you had a source of reading important business concepts, then you would want to subscribe and open their emails to learn more about turning yourself into a great business person.
Instead of focusing on always selling a product, sometimes you may just want to inform your readers on a particular topic of interest to them.
4. Source of Entertainment
Perhaps one of the best ways to grab someone’s attention is to entertain them. People love a good laugh and if you can send regular blog posts that make them reach a point of bless then you can seriously increase your opening rate.
Try to include a fun blogpost and then include a promotional message somewhere in the text.