Anyone, whether successful or not makes excuses. Sometimes a challenge will face us and once self-doubt kicks in we make an excuse as to why we don’t want to face that challenge.
Think about what happened when you last made an excuse. High chance there was a missed opportunity which ultimately meant failure. No matter which target you want to hit, whether it’s getting fitter, finishing a course or starting a new business, excuses go hand-in-hand with failure.
And there are some excuses that are common and are the result of most people failing to achieve their goals. Let’s look at them now.
1. There’s no time
We all have the same 24 hours in a day. Within that time, we meet people we want to meet, do the things we want to do and see the things we want to see.
The same goes for when you want to start a business. If you are about to make the excuse that you don’t have enough time since you work a nine-to-five, then note that you can always wake up earlier or stay up late. If you really want it to happen, then you will definitely make time.
2. I won’t get enough opportunities
Being an entrepreneur is never easy. There is no well laid out path from A to B. you have to make things work. If there’s a barrier, either find a way around it or go straight through it. That’s how you move forward. Successful business people are tenacious and are not about to let a barrier stand between them and their goals.
Telling yourself that there are not enough opportunities is an excuse that will see you give up even before you start.
3. What will my family and friends think?
Don’t be surprised to find that your closest friends and family do not support your decisions to become an entrepreneur. If you find you are in such a situation, then you can remove yourself from their negative energy. Do what you believe is best for you.
If on the other hand you listen and go with whatever they think is best for you, then you will not get close to even starting that business.
It is simple to go along with what friends and family are saying as it is an excuse why you shouldn’t even start but it should be enough motivation to start your business and prove them wrong.
4. I am happy with where I am and what I have
What you are actually telling yourself is you don’t want to work any harder, but then sugar coating it to make it sound more appropriate.
Granted, more material things is not a guarantee of happiness but more often than not, it provides you with comfort and with the right mindset gives you a better life. Never settle, and always strive for more.
5. I’m worried about taking the risk
Taking risks is a part of doing business. There is no way around it. If your current venture scares you and you are worried that you may not be able to pull it off, keep in mind that even if you decide to go for the next idea, this second idea will still come with its own set of risks.
To be an entrepreneur also means rising above your fears and worries.